
An overview of the template along with usage instructions for its various components.


Hi customer!

Thank you for choosing this template. If you have any questions please feel free to email here.


All plugins setting is in file "assets/js/custom.js"


jQuery plugin to call a function when an element appears.

Plugin Website

Super Simple Text Rotator

A light weight jQuery plugin that will allow you to add a super simple rotating text to your website.

Plugin Website


A JQuery validation plugin for bootstrap forms.

Plugin Website


Superslides is a full screen, hardware accelerated slider for jQuery.

Plugin Website

OWL Carousel

Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.

Plugin Website

Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup is a responsive lightbox & dialog script with focus on performance and providing best experience for user with any device.

Plugin Website


An open source jQuery component to easily build your custom Youtube® player or to use a Youtube® video as background for your page.

Plugin Website


jQuery Parallax is a script that simulates the parallax effect.

Plugin Website


Filter & sort magical layouts.

Plugin Website


A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.

Plugin Website

jQuery Easing Plugin

A jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options.

Plugin Website


Reveal Animations When You Scroll.

Plugin Website

Hero module

For hero/header you can use image, parallax image, full height slider, text rotator and Youtube video.

Image & Parallax


Use parameter "data-background" for setting a background image.

Remove class "module-parallax" for disable parallax effect.



You can use a unique overlay effect for each slide.

Youtube Video background


Image & Text rotator



You can use any effects(image, parallax image, full height slider, Youtube video, overlays) for each site modules.

Standard module


Small module



This template support 9 variants of backgound(and overlays effects): bg-light, bg-light-30, bg-light-60, bg-light-90, bg-dark, bg-dark-30, bg-dark-60, bg-dark-90 and bg-film. Check components-5.html page for more examples.



You can combine this class.

For example: If you use "bg-light bg-film" then text color will be dark, else if you use "bg-dark bg-film" text color will be white.


You can use dakr or light portfolio hover effects:

Example of light hover


For dark hover remove class "works-hover-w".

Portfolio image sizes

  • Standard - 400x400
  • Tall - 400x830
  • Wide-tall - 830x830
  • Wide - 830x400

Ajax Laod More

You can to load your portfolio item by AJAX.

All AJAX options in file "custom.js"


For example, we have created "ajax-load-more/ajax-load-more.php" page. From this page a js code loading the portfolio posts.


Open the file "assets/php/contact.php" and enter your data.

If Contact form form not working

You need to check is PHP mail() function working.

1. Save this code as mailtest.php

2. change [email protected] to your e-mail address

3. upload mailtest.php to your server

4. open mailtest.php in your browser (

5. check your inbox to see if a test message arrived.

If it works:

1. double-check your form script for errors (like e-mail address misspelling)

2. use the same e-mail address as your form recipient

3. double-check your SPAM filters and SPAM/Junk/Bulk mailboxes

If it not

Contact your host and ask them to check PHP mail() setting.

Google map

Open the file "assets/js/custom.js" and enter your data:




Version 1.0

  • - Initial Release

Version 1.0.1

  • - Fixed: Two validation errors
  • - Fixed: Accordian border
  • - Changed: Title tags
  • - Update docs
  • - Affected files: All *.html files

Version 1.0.2

  • - Bootstrap Updated V 3.3.5
  • - Font Awesome Updated Version 4.4.0
  • - Update docs

Version 1.0.3

  • - Bootstrap Updated V 3.3.6
  • - Font Awesome Updated Version 4.5.0
  • - Disable sticky navbar on small screens
  • - Update docs
  • - Affected files:
  • --- "assets/bootstrap/",
  • --- "assets/css/style.css",
  • --- "assets/js/custom.js",
  • --- "assets/css/font-awesome.*",
  • --- "assets/fonts/font-awesome.*",

If you have any questions please feel free to email here.