Realsite - Material Real Estate Template
Folder structure for assets/ directory
- css - contains css files which were generated from scss files
- scss - contains scss files
- img - contains site images
- js - contains site javascripts
- fonts - contains fonts used on the site
- libraries - contains third party libraries used in the theme
Documentation links
Looking for right SCSS
Template is split into large amount of small helper files. Sometimes is hard to know which file to open. Here are saveral ways how to find correct file.
Using browser
Template has source maps support. If you don't know what the source maps are read more at
We are using Chrome for development but next example should work similar in different browser.
Firstly open your website in browse and make right click on element which you want to modify and select inspect element.

After that console will display at the bottom of browser. At the right side you can which styles are applied on inspected element and you can see which file contains that properties.

Using grep
If you are on Mac or Linux, I recommed to using grep (terminal) to find what you are looking for. For example we are looking file which is containg .navigation class we can use command below.

Custom Colors
In template we have defined almost all colors which are coming from material design guidelins. You can see color definitions in assets/scss/_colors.scss. Each color is defined in "array" so we have all combinations from lightest to darkest.
Another file which is important for creating new color combination is assets/scss/helpers/_variables.scss. In this file we are setting primary and secondary color from our _colors.scss file. So if you want to change the primary color just replace $blue to e.g. $red and compile SASS files.

Realsite template uses Bootstrap library heavily. Please consider the bootstrap 3.x documentation as extended documentation to Realsite template, as most of the answers can be found there.
Read documentation
Please pay increased attention to following sections of Bootstrap documentation:
For CSS files we are usign SASS. The CSS loaded in templates is preprocessed.
SASS Installation Instructions
SASS files structure
- assets/scss/helpers/_activity.scss - Activity
- assets/scss/helpers/_agency_row.scss - Agency Row
- assets/scss/helpers/_agent_card.scss - Agent Card
- assets/scss/helpers/_agent_medium.scss - Agent Medium
- assets/scss/helpers/_agent_row.scss - Agent Row
- assets/scss/helpers/_agent_simple.scss - Agent Simple
- assets/scss/helpers/_agent_small.scss - Agent Small
- assets/scss/helpers/_bootstrap_carousel.scss - Bootstrap Carousel
- assets/scss/helpers/_breadcrumbs.scss - Breadcrumbs
- assets/scss/helpers/_buttons.scss - Buttons
- assets/scss/helpers/_charts.scss - Charts
- assets/scss/helpers/_colors.scss - Colors
- assets/scss/helpers/_commons.scss - Commons
- assets/scss/helpers/_elements.scss - Elements
- assets/scss/helpers/_faq.scss - FAQ
- assets/scss/helpers/_features.scss - Features
- assets/scss/helpers/_footer.scss - Footer
- assets/scss/helpers/_forms.scss - Forms
- assets/scss/helpers/_gallery.scss - Gallery
- assets/scss/helpers/_header_top.scss - Header Top
- assets/scss/helpers/_header_topbar.scss - Header Topbar
- assets/scss/helpers/_invoice.scss - Invoice
- assets/scss/helpers/_isotope.scss - Isotope
- assets/scss/helpers/_map_autocomplete.scss - Map Autocomplete
- assets/scss/helpers/_map.scss - Map
- assets/scss/helpers/_mixins.scss - Mixins
- assets/scss/helpers/_module.scss - Module
- assets/scss/helpers/_navigation.scss - Navigation
- assets/scss/helpers/_note.scss - Note
- assets/scss/helpers/_pagination.scss - Pagination
- assets/scss/helpers/_partners.scss - Partners
- assets/scss/helpers/_people.scss - People
- assets/scss/helpers/_posts.scss - Posts
- assets/scss/helpers/_pricing.scss - Pricing
- assets/scss/helpers/_promo.scss - Promo
- assets/scss/helpers/_promoted.scss - Promoted
- assets/scss/helpers/_promotions.scss - Promotions
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_amenities.scss - Property Amenities
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_badge.scss - Property Badge
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_box.scss - Property Box
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_browser.scss - Property Browser
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_carousel.scss - Property Carousel
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_chart.scss - Property Chart
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_gallery.scss - Property Gallery
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_large.scss - Property Large
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_list.scss - Property List
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_map.scss - Property Map
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_medium.scss - Property Medium
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_preview.scss - Property Preview
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_row.scss - Property Row
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_simple.scss - Property Simple
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_small.scss - Property Small
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_sort.scss - Property Sort
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_table.scss - Property Table
- assets/scss/helpers/_property_valuation.scss - Property Valuation
- assets/scss/helpers/_search_main.scss - Search Main
- assets/scss/helpers/_structure.scss - Strucuture
- assets/scss/helpers/_tables.scss - Tables
- assets/scss/helpers/_variables.scss - Variables
- assets/scss/helpers/_widgets.scss - Widgets
$(document).ready(function() {
'use strict';
var isotope_properties = $('.properties-isotope');
'itemSelector': '.item'
$('.properties-filter a').click(function() {
var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
isotope_properties.isotope({ filter: selector });
return false;
File Input
initialPreview: [
overwriteInitial: true,
initialCaption: "Your Uploaded Properties"
Google Map
var map = $('#map');
var markers = new Array();
var colors = ['orange', 'blue', 'cyan', 'pink', 'deep-purple', 'teal', 'indigo', 'green', 'light-green', 'amber', 'yellow', 'deep-orange', 'brown', 'grey'];
function get_gps_ranges(center_lat, center_lng, range_level_lat, range_level_lng) {
var lat = center_lat + (Math.random() * (range_level_lat + range_level_lat) - range_level_lat);
var lng = center_lng + (Math.random() * (range_level_lng + range_level_lng) - range_level_lng);
return Array(lat, lng);
for (var i=0; i < 30; i++) {
var position = get_gps_ranges(40.761077, -73.983307, 0.08, 0.60);
var color = colors[Math.floor(Math.random()*colors.length)];
latitude: position[0],
longitude: position[1],
marker_content: 'marker content',
content: 'infobox content'
if (map.length) {
infowindow: {
borderBottomSpacing: 0,
height: 120,
width: 424,
offsetX: 30,
offsetY: -80
zoom: 11,
markers: markers,
Property Carousel
if ($('.property-carousel').length != 0) {
items: 4,
itemsDesktop : [1199, 5],
itemsDesktopSmall : [979, 3],
itemsTablet : [768, 2],
itemsTabletSmall : [1, 2],
itemsMobile : false,
navigation: true,
navigationText: ['', '']
$('.property-gallery-list-item a').on('click', function(e) {
$('.property-gallery-list-item').each(function() {
var link = $(this).attr('href');
$('.property-gallery-preview img').attr('src', link);