Medikal is HTML5 template that is crafted for health care/medical & other related niche site in the industry. The package includes 15 HTML files with well-named as well as well-organized layers.
<header> ---- Content ---- </header>
<header class="header-2"> ---- Content ---- </header>
Please open the file PHP > submit.php add your email here. and upload on FTP server. you form will working fine.
Please open the file PHP > appointment.php add your email here. and upload on FTP server. you form will working fine.
<link href=',600,700,100,800,900,400,200,300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Please open 13-Contact-Us.html go to the last section
<script src="js/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"> <script src="js/own-menu.js"> <script src="js/owl.carousel.min.js"> <script src="js/jquery.superslides.js"> <script src="js/masonry.pkgd.min.js"> <script src="js/jquery.stellar.min.js"> <script src="js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js"> <script src="js/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js"> <script src="js/jquery.flexslider-min.js"> <script src="js/main.js">