Thank you for purchasing Carat HTML theme
Carat package contains 2 versions of the theme
- Pure HTML
- HTML combined with PHP
Everything is possible to find in our HTML version but it is better to look in the PHP version where everything is divided into the smaller files. HTML files are generated from PHP source codes. Theme is build on Bootstrap.
This documentation will focus on PHP version as HTML plain codes are generated from PHP Files.
Folder structure:-
- css
- sass
- img
- js
- fonts
- pages
every page has its representation in this directory. See list of pages here
- templates
some of components like 'grid' and 'row' are often reused, so there is no need to write them again and again, so they are stored in this directory
- article
contains only blocks which are directly related to the 'blog' or 'magazine' page.
- block-grid-recommended.php
contains recommended articles structured in a small grid
- block-grid-reviews.php
contains article-reviews structured in a grid
- block-grid-video-reviews.php
contains video links structured in a grid
- block-latest-reviews.php
contains article-reviews structured in a rows
- block-picked-articles.php
contains article-reviews structured in a rows
- grid.php
contains structured HTML which represents one single article formatted as a grid item
- grid-video.php
contains structured HTML which represents one single video formatted as a grid item
- row.php
contains structured HTML which represents one single video formatted as a row item
- block-grid-recommended.php
- car
contains only blocks which are directly related to the 'car dealer' or 'car rental' page.
- block-best-deals.php
Contains list of cars formatted in a rows
- block-random-cars.php
Contains list of cars formatted in a rows
- block-recent-cars.php
Contains carousel block of cars formatted in a grid
- block-used-cars.php
Contains list of cars formatted in a small rows
- grid.php
contains structured HTML which represents one single car formatted as a grid item
- row.php
contains structured HTML which represents one single car formatted as a row item
- row-checkout.php
contains structured HTML which represents one single car formatted as a row item used on rental pages.
- row-small.php
contains structured HTML which represents one single car formatted as a teaser item - used in sidebar
- teaser.php
- block-best-deals.php
- rental
contains only blocks which are directly related to the 'car rental' page.
- block-features.php
List of features used on first rental page
- block-summary.php
Block containing HTML for rental checkout page - summary table
- block-total.php
Block containing HTML for rental checkout page - total table
- block-features.php
- block-features.php
Block of features - used on multiple pages
- block-magazine-slider.php
Magazine slider HTML - used on magazine page
- block-newsletter.php
Block for newsletter signup - used on frontpage
- block-partners.php
Block containing partners html - used on multiple pages
- block-partners-with-title.php
Block containing partners html with title- used on multiple pages
- block-testimonials.php
Client testimonials - used on multiple pages
- slider.php
Main slider - used on frontpage
- footer.php
Footer of site - same on every page
- header.php
Header of site - includes assets like js and css, same on every page
- navigation.php
Navigation of site - isame on every page
- article
Template use very simple routing system. Router checks for pages in 'pages' directory. If the proper include file is found, it will be displayed. If its not found, router will return 404 status code and display appropriate page.
Note: every path can be suffixed with '.html' but it is not required in order to make router work.
ExamplesRoute: "/" - Router opens '/pages/' directory and searches by default for file frontpage.php
Route: "/faq" - Router opens '/pages/' directory and searches for file or faq.php
Route: "/page-not-found" - Router opens '/pages/' directory and searches for file named ipage-not-found.php. File will not be found and router will return 404 status code.
Carat html bascially works with 2 data types.
Car offers styled elements for purposes of car reviews, but also fits sales and rental needs. Thus Carat is greate for car dealers, or renting companies.
Article allows to create a simple blog or magazine with car related theme.
Video article
Article allows to create a simple video-article element
- Frontpage
- Search results - filter.html
- Car Detail - detail.html
- FAQ - faq.html
- Pricing - pricing.html
- Reservation - frontpage - rental-1.html
- Reservation - select car - rental-2.html
- Reservation - select extras - rental-3.html
- Reservation - checkout- rental-4.html
- Contact - contact.html
- 404 - 404.html
- Magazine - magazine.html
- Blog - blog.html
- Article Detail - article.html
All the required assets are included in header.php file - css, js.
The main css files is located in 'assets/css/carat.css'. However this is generated from sass files located in 'assets/scss'.
If you don't have experience with sass and compass you can simply replace your carat.css (This file generated and thus its in minified version) with carat.ext.css - which is nicely structured.
Libraries used
- Chosen - for creating nice selectboxes
- Colorbox - used for opening videos in modal window
- PictoPro - library of icons
- ezMark - used for creating styled checkboxes
- bxSlider - Slider and carousel solution
- Raty - library for creating ratings
- jSlider - creating nice slider filters
- Flot - library for creating charts