“Exhibz - Conference & Event HTML Template” Documentation by “Tripples” v 1.0

Exhibz - Conference & Event HTML Template

Created: November, 2018
Updated: November, 2018
By: Tripples
Email: [email protected]

Thank you for purchasing Exhibz. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via profile page contact form or mail me to [email protected]

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. HTML Structure
  3. CSS Files and Structure
  4. JavaScripts
  5. Navigation and Logos
  6. Fonts used
  7. FAQs
  8. Sources and Credits

A) Introduction - top

Exhibit is a is a Creative and Modern Event HTML5 Template for organizing meeting, seminar, conference, venue or any other kind of event. All HTML Files Is Perfectly Organized, So You Can Easily Customize Everything You Need.

The template also comes with twitter bootstrap 4, 3 Home Variations, Beautiful Schedule Tab, Feature rich pages and more.

Template Features

B) HTML Structure - top

HTML Files

General HTML structure

This template structure based on Twitter Bootstrap 3. Here is the sample structure.

C) CSS Files and Structure - top



All css files are separates for improving convenience to edit this template.

Some of stylesheets contain Table of content for easy navigation, for instance style.css:

/* Table of Content
1.   Typography
2.   Global Styles
3.   Top Bar
4.   header middle area
5.   Header area
6.   Slider
7.   Content area
8.   blog section
9.   Footer
10.  Sub Pages
11.  News Single
12.  Sidebar
13.  Error page

D) JavaScript - top

Below is the list of Javascript files.







If you face any difficulites to find source then please knock me to [email protected]

Header Logo

As you can see the logo is : Image based (by default) and you can make it text based if you want.


Navigation Menu Sticky

Add ts-menu-sticky class to add sticky menu. Screenshot attached

Navigation Menu

The page navigation links such as Home, Blog, Contacts etc are included.


F) Fonts Used - top

I have used Heebo as body font and Arimo heading font in this template. You can change the font from style.css line # 37 and #38

  1. Arimo - Google Web Font
  2. Heebo - Google Web Font

G) Sources and Credits - top

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this template. I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this template. I'll do my best to assist.

Tripples, [email protected]

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