

You have many options as far as dividers and spacing options:

30px margin - Dotted

50px margin - Dotted

30px margin - Double Dotted

50px margin - Double Dotted

30px margin - Solid

50px margin - Solid

30px margin - Double Solid

50px margin - Double Solid

<!--=== 30px margin - Dotted ===-->

<!--=== 50px margin - Dotted ===-->
<hr class="mt50 mb50">

<!--=== 30px margin - Double Dotted ===-->
<hr class="double-hr mt30 mb30">

<!--=== 50px margin - Double Dotted ===-->
<hr class="double-hr mt50 mb50">

<!--=== 30px margin - Solid ===-->
<hr class="hr-solid">

<!--=== 50px margin - Solid ===-->
<hr class="hr-solid mt50 mb50">

<!--=== 30px margin - Double Solid ===-->
<hr class="double-hr-solid mt30 mb30">

<!--=== 50px margin - Double Solid ===-->
<hr class="double-hr-solid mt50 mb50">

You can also use the .invisible class on any divider, for invisible margins.

Margin and Padding

You can use these classes to add spacing inside any element with padding classes or between elements with margin classes. This will ensure you can easily space elements however you need to without having to edit any CSS. Making it extremely easy to build new pages.

.pt10 { padding-top:10px; }
.pt15 { padding-top:15px; }
.pt20 { padding-top:20px; }
.pt30 { padding-top:30px; }
.pt40 { padding-top:40px; }
.pt50 { padding-top:50px; }
.pt100 { padding-top:100px; }
.pb10 { padding-bottom:10px; }
.pb15 { padding-bottom:15px; }
.pb20 { padding-bottom:20px; }
.pb30 { padding-bottom:30px; }
.pb40 { padding-bottom:40px; }
.pb50 { padding-bottom:50px; }
.pb100 { padding-bottom:100px; }

.mt0 { margin-top:0; }
.mt5 { margin-top:5px; }
.mt10 { margin-top:10px; }
.mt15 { margin-top:15px; }
.mt20 { margin-top:20px; }
.mt30 { margin-top:30px; }
.mt40 { margin-top:40px; }
.mt50 { margin-top:50px; }
.mt100 { margin-top:100px; }
.mb0 { margin-bottom:0; }
.mb5 { margin-bottom:5px; }
.mb10 { margin-bottom:10px; }
.mb15 { margin-bottom:15px; }
.mb20 { margin-bottom:20px; }
.mb30 { margin-bottom:30px; }
.mb40 { margin-bottom:40px; }
.mb50 { margin-bottom:50px; }
.mb100 { margin-bottom:100px; }

.mg5 { margin: 5px; }
.p15 { padding:15px; }
.ml15 { margin-left:15px; }
.mr15 { margin-right:15px; }
.ml20 { margin-left:20px; }
.mr20 { margin-right:20px; }

//device margins (767px and below)
.mt30-xs { margin-top:30px; }
.mt15-xs { margin-top:15px; }
.mt20-xs { margin-top:20px; }
.mb30-xs { margin-bottom:30px; }
.mb15-xs { margin-bottom:15px; }
.mb20-xs { margin-bottom:20px; }

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